College Library
“The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” – Albert Einstein.
The best minds of a society are built in the libraries of its academic institutions. In this age of data-information-knowledge convergence nothing is stronger in an academic community. The academic community depends on the use of the libraries to calibrate and improve their knowledge. It is in this sense that we have renamed institutions of higher learning associated to libraries. Librarians are nowadays not just book keepers but information scientists.
The St. Albert’s College (Autonomous) houses one of the state of the art libraries in the world of Kerala academics. It is well noted that the library is divided into two distinct sections; one for the main campus and the subsidiary one for the Albertian Institute of Management.
The College Library is a crucial resource of information for the academic community. The Main Library is located on the main campus and comprises two floors covering an area of 791 m2. It has a total seating capacity of 280. An extension of the main library functions in the Albertian Institute of Management Campus which has an area of 1088 sq. ft.
The first automation of the Library began in 2001 with the Integrated Library Management System (ILMS) software Book Magic, which provided a user-friendly interface and could be used to locate books, periodicals, documents in the library, and their issue status. Currently automation with the new ILMS, KOHA is under process.
The following are the details of these ILMS:
- Name of the ILMS software: Book Magic
- Nature of automation (fully or partially): Fully automated
- Version: 4.0
- Year of automation: 200
- Name of the ILMS software: KOHA
- Nature of automation (fully or partially): Partially automated
- Version:
- Year of automation: 2021
The College subscribes to various national and international journals (hardcopies) as well as e-journals and e-books on various disciplines. The total holdings in the library are over 3 lakhs. Apart from the Central Library, a few Department libraries provide immediate reference and easy access to students, teachers and research scholars at the Department level.
A D-space Digital Repository (institutional documents, questionnaires, rare books, theses, dissertations etc.) is also available in the library. The Digital Library gives access to major e-resources (subscribed) such as UGC, N-List, and EBSCO (Journals & Books). The learners can access the academic-related links through the Digital library. Moreover, links to Open Access Journals are provided. There are 50 computers with internet facilities which afford users access to the e-resources facilities. A reprographic facility is also available in the library. The library has a log book to record the usage of the library by teachers, students and researchers. The work on Bar-coded (RFID) magnetic ID cards is in progress using RUSA funding and RFIDs will be furnished for all so that entry of all users can be documented.
In addition to research books, there is an erudite collection of books on unique concepts as well as a repository of resources on a wide range of topics covering all disciplines of life. The collection includes regular textbooks, research books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, yearbooks, collected works, government publications, general books, etc. The library has subscriptions to e-Journals, e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga membership, e-books and a digital database.
The College also has the plagiarism checker X 2020 Business to help students and researchers verify whether or not their text really is their intellectual property.
The College also has a library committee which also helps in the smooth running of the library. According to the need and funds available, the College updates the library with the latest textbooks, reference books, journals, e-books, e-journals, etc. CCTV surveillance is available in the library which ensures security.
The following is the link to the website: ??

The College Library also has a collection of audio summaries of books for helping students with reading disabilities. The summaries can be accessed through the following link. Click Here